For children to engage confidently with all Numeracy content at school, it is important for them to develop automaticity with addition and subtraction facts and later, multiplication and division facts.


Developing this instant recall of number facts begins with subitising in Kindy. Subitising is the ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them. The next building block is knowing  the Complements for 10 (also known as Combinations to 10 or Friends of 10)

Free Printables – friends-of-ten  – FriendsofTenScootFreebie (1) – FREEBIEFriendsof10SunglassesGame – FindaFriendMathsAdditiongameto10.

These basic facts consist of:

0 + 10 = 10

1 + 9 = 10

2 + 8 = 10

3 + 7 = 10

4 + 6 = 10

5 + 5 = 10

6 + 4 = 10

7 + 3 = 10

8 + 2 = 10

9 + 1 = 10

10 + 0 = 10

Once a student has instant recall of 3 + 7, it sets the stage for knowing 4 + 7 or 30 + 70 or even 300 + 700.

Whilst Complements to 10 is a skill to be mastered in junior primary, we have noticed that some children, across many classes, at Kellerberrin DHS have problems with instantly recalling these basic facts and then putting them into practise during Numeracy activities.


In an effort to raise the profile of Numeracy here at Kellerberrin DHS and to engage students to spend time mastering these facts, we are running a Times Table Challenge – Timestable challenge Term 2 2017.   Students automatic recall skills will be acknowledged at assemblies with metal star key rings.

For students to progress up the levels of mastery they must complete the levels in order. This means all students will be starting with a Complements to 10 assessment. For some children this will be easy. For others, some extra practise at home may be needed. Please see attached some ideas for you and your child to try at home.

The office currently has take-home packs of numeracy activities to build up Complements of 10 knowledge.  If you would like any further information or help, please approach Emily Talbot (Numeracy Coordinator).

Thank you for your continued support in your children’s education.

Kind Regards,


Emily Talbot

Numeracy Coordinator