kindy Term 3 20160725Kindy Role Playing

In Kindy this term we are continuing to develop our oral language through a variety of learning experiences such as barrier games, rhymes and role play, to name just a few.
In these pictures we are playing one of our barrier games, taking turns to be the speaker and then the listener. We role played Miss/ Mr Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.  As always, engagement, participation and enjoyment underpin our learning experiences.




Pre Primary/ Year 1 Space InvestigationWm rocket

A big thank you to Charlie and all his student helpers that have done an amazing job at painting and restoring our home corner furniture.  The students are enjoying having it back in the classroom.

Have you heard a ROCKET has crashed into Earth and landed in our class!!  The students are exploring, investigating and learning all about space.  Call into our class and see how much fun we are having with our rocket and space area.



Year 4’s are Reporting on the Olympics

Term 3 is going to be a big one, with plenty of activities happening across the school, including Cross Countries, Athletics Carnivals, Assemblies and of course Learning Journey Night! In Room 7, the Year 4 students have started the term with a bang, already sinking our teeth into our learning.

In English we are going to be writing information reports on the Olympics, along with a variety of procedures to help us cook. We have also started reading the book Matilda, which will be followed by viewing the movie. We are becoming quite the mathematicians, learning about decimals and will begin developing our knowledge of multiplication, division, fractions and money later in the semester.

This terSpellingm we are also going to be learning about governments, rules, laws and our society.  This will then be followed by the commencement of our Geography studies looking at Australia, Africa, South America, Climates, Flora, Fauna and Sustainability.

Our design and building skills will also be enhanced during Technology lessons, designing and building our own Bridges, which will be followed by a Paper Plane building and flying competition. As you can see, Term 3 of 2016 is going to be massive for the Year 4’s of Room 7.


Year 5’s are Enjoying the New ‘Reading Comprehension’  ResourcesIMG_9580

The Year 5 class have really enjoyed using the story cards from our new
Reading Comprehension boxes. We are using them to  complete all sorts of comprehension activities and working with Miss Talbot in small groups to do guided reading. The cards are really interesting and cover a huge range of topics.

Computer Coding?  Ask ourDSC_0443 Year 6 Class!



This term in Technology the year sixes are learning about computer coding. Students have had a lot of fun learning how to write their initials in binary code.





Year 9/10 Learning New Skills For Employment

The year 9/10 class have been preparing for their Work Place Learning this term. They have been learning about how to write a resume and cover letter, and participating in group activities, such as board games and “lectures”, to learn about Work Place Health and Safety!